Working from home – 4 ways to get through the lockdown
If someone would have said a few months ago, you will need to work from home for a few months – it’s sunny, you can get up late, you don’t need to wear a bra and you don’t have to commute – I would have thought I can deal with this, this sounds great!
Fast forward 2 weeks and this outlook has changed slightly. Being confined to your own company or sharing it daily with those you live with can be challenging. Going from seeing loved ones at certain times to seeing them everywhere you look – well it’s easy to see why divorce rates went up significantly after China lifted their quarantine.
Here are our 5 top tips to surviving the lockdown:
Create an imaginary co-worker:
“Pro-tip for couples suddenly working from home together: Get yourself an imaginary co-worker to blame things on. In our apartment, Cheryl keeps leaving her dirty water cups all over the place and we really don’t know what to do about her.” While this has been shared many times already, I still think Molly Tolsky is giving us the best piece of advice for those couples learning to share a co-working space. Instead of swearing at each other, direct your frustration to poor old Cheryl.
Calculate your toilet roll supply:
It’s at times like these that you really appreciate the simple things in life, and nothing describes that more than the panic buying of toilet rolls we have seen across the UK. Great to see the official calculator coming to rescue – no longer do we need to question if we need more toilet paper now we have the technology to know for sure!
Write your out-of-quarantine bucket list:
Every time you think of what you could be doing if we weren’t on lockdown – write it down and put in the bucket list jar. You can put in anything from ‘visit grandad’ to ‘go down the pub’. Great activity to do for all ages and it might help you to make some plans for life after lockdown.
Make yourself a make-shift office
For those of you having to divide up your house into various offices and playrooms – it’s a tricky one. We all remember the famous BBC live interview in which Professor Robert Kelly was interrupted by his two children and wife – so do try and find that space when you can. Although we do all love a dog or baby joining these conference calls to add a bit of excitement – I guess it’s all about picking the right moment!
Stay safe in these challenging times, and stay tuned for more top tips.
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